Friday, July 30, 2010

Diet Doom

Day 2 of the diet. 

I'm stressed and all I want to do is dive into a pile of mexican food. I had a meeting with my trainer about nutrition last night. He broke it down into probably the easiest form ever for me. See...easy is good, but I pretty much need to be force fed this crappy food. Especially, since from here on out...I can no longer have carbs with dinner...WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So far I've eaten:

Oatmeal & a protein shake for breakfast

A turkey wrap for a mid morning snack

Now, here we are at lunch time...Hopefully I won't stray from my good behavior. 

As for the exercise...I ran last night. My legs still hurt from squats on Wednesday. I suppose this is a good thing but I curse anyone who asks me to get up from my chair or climb stairs today. 

I will be hitting the gym later...just for some cardio...if I don't pass out first...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

197 lbs...

197 lbs. That is something no one wants to see on the scale. Especially at the gym in front of all these skinny people and my trainer. I about cried. In fact, I did cry, but I waited 'til I got in the car after my workout. Go me for the self control to manage that one...

A bit of back story here, I have always been "thick." 120lbs is about the lowest weight I've had in my post-adolescent / adult phase of life. Since High School, I've fluctuated between 135 & (apparently) 197lbs. I've tried diet pills. Yes, they work, while they are taking them. When you quit, they quit. Well I'm done fluctuating. I want to be in shape, and yes, I know round is a shape, but not the particular one I'm going for here. I am going to lose about 70lbs and stay there. Forever.

"Good nutrition is the biggest part of losing weight," says my trainer. "Crap," I think. Here's my problem, I eat. A lot. And I love bad food....Pasta loaded with creamy alfredo sauce...Taco bell...Ice cream...anything loaded with cheese...You get the picture. After my fiasco with the scale at the gym last night, I went home, crying as previously stated, and made dinner. I made *NASTY* brown rice, dry fish and brussel sprouts. While I was waiting the hour for the rice to cook, I ate some fat free pretzels. I was so determined to be "good" that I read the serving size and counted out exactly 39 pretzel sticks. Lets hope I can stay this determined through this whole process.

Here is a picture of me now:

Here is what I want to look like: